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Is It Worth It To Start Fresh?

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As topic suggests. I've been bored lately, is it worth it to start afresh in this game? I see so many people running around with colored items, is the game still fair to newbs?

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when server population is less, its more worth to stay on if you have put alot of effort into character/items.


then you see those people more likely to stay than someone who play few months only.


as server is now less than before, only the hero's/itemed chars play mostly now. yes is harder for new player.


sry low englis.

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In my opinion it's the opposite. While its pretty "quiet" phase in server its easier to build your character up. When theres more people, theres more peopel raiding too.

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el servidor esta de capa caida en estos momentos, pero aun hay gente que seguimos aqui, conseguir un objeto nuevo o de importancia para uno mismo o para mercadear es un trabajo duro y tambien dificil, todo se basa en matar y matar bichos, osea entrenar. intenta hacer algun amigo, no andes pidiendo cosas a cualquiera, pocos son los que te daran algo, evita no entrar en combates, para no sentir que estas en desventaja, algo que es asi, seras presa facil, ya que muchos estas repletos de objetos y muchas veces somos egoistas con los nuevos, suerte en el servidor, entrena y entrena.


google traslate:


the server is in the doldrums at the moment, but there are still people who stay here, get a new object or importance to yourself or to marketis too hard and difficult, it is all about kill, kill bugs, bone train . try tomake some friends, do not go asking for things to anyone, there are few who will give you something, avoid fighting not to enter, to feelyou're at a disadvantage, something that is so, you will be easy preybecause many of these objects filled and sometimes we are selfishwith new, good luck on the server, trains and trains.

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Es muy cierto lo que dice Junho. Pero creo que es un buen momento si uno tiene que empezar con un char nuevo, ya que si bien es dificil pelear contra quien ya esta armado, al haber menos gente conectada de lo habitual, se puede entrenar de forma tranquila en ciertos lugares sabiendo que justamente por la cantidad de gente conectada, no vas a ser molestado muy seguido y de esta forma poder adquirir algunos items y subir de nivel para ir armando el char.


by google....


It is very true what you say Junho. But I think it is a good time if you have to start with a new char, because although it is difficult to fight against those who are already armed, fewer people connected than usual, you can train in a calm way in certain places, knowing that just by the number of people connected, you will not be disturbed too often and thus able to purchase some items and level up to go arming the char.



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para que un player nuevo tenga el mismo nivel en items y conocimiento de los old players, tienen que pasar como 2 años o mas.. y con la competencia de games que hay hoy no creo que mucha gente se te digo que si sabes jugar mejor que ellos y tenes mas items ni se te plantan.

ami me encanta este server(administrado y configurado) pero como esta ahora(cantidad de ons y afk) no te queda otra opcion que ponerte a matar bichos como 1 salame para nada


edit :(sin ofender)

Edited by javiiiiii

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A lot of people is asking me if we are going to reset soon.


Dont listen rumors.


We have no reset plans, at least this year.

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Any1 knows if thr are asians still playing? Maybe i can find some friends in my timezone.


@farjat: i think reset will ruin the server too.

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Any1 knows if thr are asians still playing? Maybe i can find some friends in my timezone.


@farjat: i think reset will ruin the server too.

i dont think it will ruin. Actually it will be full of new blood and todays players will be happy too.


But i just dont want to reset now.

The Game will tell me when. And its not now.

We still have some develop to do.

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Any1 knows if thr are asians still playing? Maybe i can find some friends in my timezone.


@farjat: i think reset will ruin the server too.

i dont think it will ruin. Actually it will be full of new blood and todays players will be happy too.


But i just dont want to reset now.

The Game will tell me when. And its not now.

We still have some develop to do.




pero tambien pienso que vendria bien un reset! el tiempo dira.


But I think could use a reset! time will tell (google traslate)

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comparto lo del reset, por el momento asi esta bien el server para jugar.

sin embargo, respecto a la sangre nueva que entra, ya vi varios de esos nuevos abandonar debido a que llegan a 180 en un par de horas y deben hacer contri para poder sacar el dkset, tal vez reviendo esto se podria tener aun mas nuevos miembros en el server.


share about the reset, at the moment so it's okay to server to play.

however, about the new blood coming in, and saw several of these new leave due to reach 180 in a couple of hours and must contribute to make the dkset, perhaps reviewing this could have even more new members on the server.



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I used to play on hb int.. good gear etc and so on.. 2 full hero sets, m and w^^ was away from hb for 6 years,came to nemesis and boy they have worked wonders to improve the game.. tho raising the skill% cap to 900% would have saved me from making couple chars for various crafting stuff^^ and truth be told... the 25x exp makes the game more playable,was a real pain to reach 180 back in the day,took me 3,5y cos i did it on my own,unlike most. have to say... money is way too easy to come by tho.. only major flaw in the server atm. imo.

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i train a bit, hunt a bit, and pvp a bit.


my armor is so expensive to fix and keep tping also costs alot over time.


trust me, for anyone doing alot of pvp right now gold is valuable.

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