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hola queria preguntar si una vez que sos guildmaster le podes bajar los 20 de charisma?sin romper el guild o dejar de ser guildmaster?


podes ser soldier en las sades?


try of english


i wonder if 1 time what i am guildmaster can decrease my charisma without break the guild or left to be guildmaster?


can guilmaster be soldier in sades?

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hola queria preguntar si una vez que sos guildmaster le podes bajar los 20 de charisma?sin romper el guild o dejar de ser guildmaster?


podes ser soldier en las sades?


try of english


i wonder if 1 time what i am guildmaster can decrease my charisma without break the guild or left to be guildmaster?


can guilmaster be soldier in sades?


en sade si vas al gordo del city hall siendo guildmaster podes poner construc y guerre..

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Charisma decrease won't be allowed, or shouldn't be atleast.


master can now, with the new guild system, also choose to be a Soldier instead of Commander, BUT remember, Commander in sade must be chosen to be able to set TP, build point or summon crusade mobs.

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so you can change the charisma stat? im kinda confused. and does the guild break if the guildmaster changes stat? also i would like to know after guild lvl reaches 5 and we buy the new guildmaster option, does that person need to have 20 charisma as well?

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Reducing the stat below 20 is not possible when being the Guild Master of a guild.

Therefore, as this is impossible, breaking the guild by reducing is not possible either, as you can't reduce it, therefore not break it trough reduction.


During crusade the guild master can now also be a soldier or builder, that's true. On a low guild level, that be a stupid decision of the guild master to make. At a high guild level, he probably assigned the crusade commanding, teleporting & building ranks within his guild, so one of these guild ranks can take over the commanding part of the crusade. The better solution is to have multiple commanders atonce, so the entire guild does not depend on a single player to play or not play the crusade. With multiple commanders in a single crusade, the build point & teleport point can be moved around faster and more accuratly to the stutation of war.


Each guild level grants you a maximum limit of members, you must manage your guild properly to keep the most active members in it. At level 5 you get a maximum capacity, but you can increase this maximum capacity by purchasing guild member slots (up to 1000 slots max !), this grants you to allow more players in your guild.

Only a guild master needs 20 charisma to hold the guild together. Any other character or rank within the guild does NOT need any charisma.

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white my question was does the RANK guildmaster need to have 20 charisma. 1 character was the oriuginal guildmaster who made the guild with 20 char, but now at level 5 he keeps 20 charisma and assigns some1 else to be the new guildmaster. theres my question so does the NEW guildmaster need to have 20 charisma as well or no?

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white my question was does the RANK guildmaster need to have 20 charisma. 1 character was the oriuginal guildmaster who made the guild with 20 char, but now at level 5 he keeps 20 charisma and assigns some1 else to be the new guildmaster. theres my question so does the NEW guildmaster need to have 20 charisma as well or no?


The answer is no, you CANNOT re-assign the guild master rank to someone else.

It's not even possible to assign the guild master rank to someone else (exception: read bottom note).


The guild master rank, is like any other rank (except Member and Veteran) a limited rank, only 1 (one) single player from the guild can hold such a rank.

Let's take guild leader as a sample:

If there's no guild leader, you can assign one. If you want to change guild leader, you need to de-assign the current leader and assign to to someone else.

BUT to assign or revoke the guild leader rank, you MUST be his superior. In the order of ranks, only the guild master is superior to the guild leader with more powers and options, therefore only the master can make this change.

Ok, let's go back to our master rank, there is 1 guild master, it's unique as guild leader, BUT there is NO superior for guild masters within the game, therefore making it impossible to de-assign, let be re-assign the master rank to someone else.

That's where it already ends, because there's no superior, it cannot be changed by the default system.


NOTE: the ONLY "suprior" to a guild master is the Administrators of nemesis, they got the power to change anything, even a guild master rank. so it is possible, but only when an administrator performs the change when the servers are offline (during a reboot, patch or update). And in 99,99% of the cases, an administrator will NOT perform such a change AT ALL as such option originally does not exist in-game, therefore if he's do it for one, many others will ask the same favour, and admins have something better to do then change guild master ranks around. so probably the only way to get it changed is trough a donation.

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ah i guess i misunderstood the update . could you possibly show me the link to the guildsystem topic. i couldnt find it tried for a long time too

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