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Item Event Week 5-23-5-30

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This week's item event is a fun one and offers double the amount of prizes.


Meet in the town warehouse on Tuesday at 7pm server time, or 8pm EST(ny time)


Make sure to turn volume UP.


Name of this week's event is NAME THAT MONSTER!


I will come to the wh morphed as one of the monsters in game. I will stay in GM invis and walk around.


So, you will not see me but you CAN hear the sound I make. Name the monster that makes the sound


you here and score a point. The player with the most points at the end, wins.


Each town will get approx 7 rounds. If there is a tie, there will be a tie breaking round between the players


with the top scores.


You must state the name of the monster in GLOBAL chat. white chat doesnt count, neither does blue, allied


chat. The player who states the correct monster name, FIRST scores the point. GM will say which player


he sees first on his screen. GM word is final.


What are you playing for?


First prize= MA9 chain or plate M or W

Second prize = MA berk or legs M or W


Winning Player can choose from above.


This event is a LOT of fun so I hope you can make it. It's best for you in the WH to not move around so


the only sound will be from the monster walking around. I will continue to walk around until the correct


name is posted in global chat.


Questions? ask here


Please translate this for me into the main player languages and see me for uni pot for doing it for me.


Thanks very much, see you at event!

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Este evento sem*spam* de item sera divertido y ofrece el doble de cantidad de items


nos encontraremos en WareHouse a las 7 pm horas del servidor, o 8pm hora de NY


asegurate de tener el volumen ALTO


El nombre de este evento sem*spam* es NOMBRA ESTE MONSTRUO


yo ire a wh transformado en un de los monstruos del juego. Estare invi con el GM y caminando alrededor


tu no me veras, pero podras oir el sonido que hago. Nombra el monstruo que esta haciendo


ese sonido y anotaras un punto. El jugador con mas puntos al final, gana


Cada pueblo tendra aproximadamente unas 7 rondas. Si hay un empate, habra


una ronda de desempate entre los jugadores de maxima puntiacion.


Tienes que especificar el nombre dle monstruo en el chat GLOBAL. el chat blanco no cuenta


tampoco el azul (chat aliado)


El PRIMER jugador que diga el nombre del monstruo correcto anotara punto


el GM dira el primero que a visto en pantalla. El GM tiene la decision final


Por que jugamos??


Primer premio = MA9 Chain o plate, W o M

Segundo premio= MA9 berk o leggings W o M


El jugador ganador puede seleccionar


Este evento es MUY divertido, espero poder hacerlo. Es mejor que no te muevas en WH


para que el unico sonido sea el del monstuo que anda alrededor. Yo continuare caminando


alrdedor hasta que la respuesta correcta sea dicha en el chat GLOBAL (rojo)


DUDAS? preguntad aqui


por favor, traducid esto en los principales idomas de los jugadoresy buscame para darte una uni pot


por hacer esto por mi.


Muchas gracias! nos vemos en el evento!

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Great event! I remember last year u made this one and it was fun :D


A question, te monster has to be fully spelled or can u say MG to Mountain Giant and still count?

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known abbreviations are fine...MG is fine for mountain giant...


but o for orc is not ok


ww is ok for werewolf


etc etc

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Sounds like a cool event, but um... Are there going to be any events for european players aswell? Last 3 item events imo all been like 2 am for most europeans. This time it's 3 am..

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Sounds like a cool event, but um... Are there going to be any events for european players aswell? Last 3 item events imo all been like 2 am for most europeans. This time it's 3 am..

nice event hunter, you always come to us with something new :lol: hope u can do this event in nemearg as well :)

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Sounds like a cool event, but um... Are there going to be any events for european players aswell? Last 3 item events imo all been like 2 am for most europeans. This time it's 3 am..


agree.. not fun for european

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There was 1 item event held in the morning hours.


But guys, I have to host events with items at a time when MAX amount of players are on.


MA9 plate is too good to be held at event with only 25 people at it...understand?


I do try to offer pvps in the morning...just had one this weekend


and item events in morning...ace^ won his berk 2 weeks ago at morning item event


summon events in the morning..had one last week and will have this week.


so, i dont think your point is valid...we have had many events in the morning, server hours to accommodate


our european, asian player base....but i cant have them ALL then. I have to be practical and the needs of the


many, outweigh the needs of a few.

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So what if you could make item events at weekends something like 10AM-2PM server time so all could participate?


And here's finnish translation:


T?m?n viikon 'item event' on hauska ja tarjoaa tuplasti palkintoja. Kaikki kaupungin warehouseen 7pm serverin aikaa (keskiviikkona y?ll? klo 3am Suomessa). Ja k??nn? volumet varmasti yl?s.


T?m?n viikon ideana on 'nime? monsteri'. Tulen warehouseen muuttuneena yhdeksi pelin monstereista. Olen n?kym?t?n ja k?velen ymp?riins?. Joten et n?e minua, vaan kuulet pelk?st??n ??nen. Nime? monsu joka pit?? sit? ??nt? ja saat pisteen. Pelaaja, jolla on eniten pisteit? lopussa, voittaa.


Kumpikin kaupunki saa noin 7 kierrosta. Jos tulee tasapeli, seuraa tie-break-kierros eniten oikein saaneiden pelaajien kesken. Monsterin nimi tulee sanoa globaalissa chatissa, valkoinen tai sininen chat ei k?y.


Pelaaja joka sanoo oikean monsun nimen ensimm?isen?, saa pisteen. GM sanoo, kenen pelaajan nimen n?kee ensimm?isen?. GM:n sana on lopullinen eik? tarvi kitist?.


Mist? pelataan?


Eka palkinto = MA9 plate tai chain M/W

Toka palkinto = MA berk tai legs M/W


Voittaja saa valita yll? olevista.


T?m? event on todella hauska, joten toivon, ett? voit osallistua. Paras on seisoa WH:ssa paikallaan, jotta kuulet ??net, joita teen. K?velen ymp?riins?, kunnes oikea vastaus on sanottu globaalissa chatissa (punainen).


Kysymyksi?? Kysy t??ll

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ace won his hp berk 2 weeks ago, at item event in the morning


I will continue to offer item events at diff times and days of the week.

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winners were:


AreSpy and Yennifer with 3 points each...congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated in




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I would really want to see another GM like hunter from the european side.


Farjat see into it, maybe you can recruit one. :)

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