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Cash Shop Fund Raiser Event (target 500$s)

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we are having a fundraiser event and have opened a "cash shop"


all standard donation prices for town change etc are half price

so for example hero set sex change is 10$s

name change 50$s

town change 50$s


in addition to these



BUY PLAYER Level 180 stats unassigned with sex pot free town change free town change (400$s)


zem package of 10 zems+1 merien per 20$s


mana tablet 40$s

health tablet 40$s

Zerk tablets 25$s


buy 1 merrien stone 10$s each

buy 1 xelmia stone 10$s each


hero items mage to hero items war 50$s (you need to have the correct amount of eks we are not selling eks)


sex change pot 10$s

summon Ogre potion 10$s

summon barbarian 20$s

summon sorceress 20$s


stat change we will edit your stats with out you needing extra majestic points you can not increase your total stats but you can reassign your points 65$s


donators golden wing helm and golden mage hats. No stats, just colored. 20$s


cape any color 25$s


any item sex change 20$s


GM assisted character sale (10% of price) if your selling buying a character gms will take the character and money then send character and money to players makeing the trade to prevent scamming (also if you buy a character with out gm support please do not send money until the account email is in your name)


shop will be closed after we raise 500$s (LATE REQUESTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED)

to buy submit a ticket


Traduction to Spanish


Hola, abrimos un Cash shop.


Todas los precios Standar estan al 50%.

por ejemplo, Cambio de sexo de Hero Set cuesta 10$.

Cambio de nombre 50$

Cambio de ciudad 50$




Pueden comprar un personaje, level 180, con sex pot, y cambio de ciudad por 400$


paquete de 10 zems+1 merien stone por 20$


Tableta de manax 40$

Tableta de HPx40$

Tableta de Zerkx25$


Tambien pueden comprar merien Stone 10$ cada una.

Xelima Stone 10$ cada una.


Hero items de mago a Hero items de War: 50$ (necesitan tener los eks necesarios, no vendemos eks)


Pot para cambiar el sexo 10$

Ogre potionx10$

Barbarian Scroll 20$

Sorceress Scroll 20$


capa de cualquier colo 25$


Cambio de sexo de cualquier Item 20$


Asistencia del GM para comprar un char (10%) si estas vendiendo/comprando un Char, los Gms tomaran el dinero y el pj, y se aseguraran de q todo este en orden, para prevenir Scammers.


Esto cierra cuando lleguemos a 500$, cualkier oferta desp de eso no sera tenia en cuenta.

Para comprar manden Ticket desde la web


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id say add majestic points



like 10 maj for 25 usd?


10 maj per character is maximum?


if its 400 for a lvl 180 char then 10 maj should cost like 75 usd

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A good way to make money I was thinking of earlier this year was...


Offering 700% skills. None of the trade skills though...AKA NO MINING, ALCHEMY, MANUFACTURING, FISHING.



Also specialization items like golden wing helm and golden mage hats. No stats, just colored.

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Bit of explanation on this.


"hero items mage to hero items war 50$s"


If i have a hero cap on my mage I could pay 50 dollars and change it to a Helmet? Could that helmet then go to say my warrior?

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i suggest u dont have the hero mage item to hero war item cuz its costs 150eks more to get hero war than hero mage.. wouldnt that be buying eks?

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i suggest u dont have the hero mage item to hero war item cuz its costs 150eks more to get hero war than hero mage.. wouldnt that be buying eks?


Thats exactly what I was kinda trying to raise. Robe costs 100 less than plate and Helmet is 50 less than Cap.

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Bit of explanation on this.


"hero items mage to hero items war 50$s"


If i have a hero cap on my mage I could pay 50 dollars and change it to a Helmet? Could that helmet then go to say my warrior?


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Scat dude, can you make it so Super reds/blues are chuggable, we've asked this before and although you'd think it'd make some chars invincible, it'd also be really expensive (and if worried about that, the materials cost for them could be increased to match what you want).

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