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Last week I offered a hellclaw clinic....teaching players how to down hellclaw using the " X-Formation "


The players who came, learned a lot and by the end of the clinic they were in proper formation and


killed a hellclaw.


Because this was so successful, I am encouraged to offer some more of these type of clinics.


I have a few in mind but need some help thinking of more. Also, I am going to need assistants for some


of these. So, you can make a suggestion for a clinic topic OR volunteer to assist with helping teach one.


AND...I'm going to need a translator for each one also. Farjat was there for the last one but that is not


always going to be possible.


If you can help out, let me know.


Some clinics will be offered twice...once in the morning and again in the evening to include as many


players as possible.


Clinic Topics



How to be attacked and survive.

How to avoid a para, how to dodge a blizz, what to do and NOT do when you are outnumbered.

Places to train during raid weekends.



Suggestions, tips and tricks on how to EK successfully.

How to attack a player and walk away with an EK.

How to aim blizz, how to use your criticals. What to do and not do to increase your chances of getting

that sought after, Enemy Kill.


* Mage 101

-best stats

-best builds

- what to carry in your bag

- how to stay alive

- best places to train

- best quests to take and why it is important to take quests early



* Warrior 101

- discussion of various builds...we will have demonstration of each type warrior

Pure,PFM,AMP, etc etc and show damage of each one...Discuss the pros and cons of each build.

-Where to train

- What to carry in bag

- Which quests are best to do and when

- Fastest ways to experience



* Wyvern/Dragon Hunt 101

How to successfully bring down the big boys. All you need to know to attend and participate in a wyvern hunt.



Please add your topic suggestions and include what would be discussed in it.


Could someone please translate this into Spanish, Polish, Finnish, Korean...if possible.

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just a thought:

telling people were to train during raid days is counter productive because then people will raid the places you suggested to train in (as it will be known to have noobs).. unless its farm :)



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Sounds like a good idea!


If this does turn out successful, i would also possibly recommend pinning a written version to the forums, perhaps even with screenshots... That way if anyone could not attend the tutorial, they can still gain from the advice and not be left in the lurch.


Good luck with it all!

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Sounds really nice. I want to participate and colaborate, so here i am at ur service Hunter.^_^ I'm really noob so i only can help on translation to spanish and other little stuff.

I'll be around.

Cya ;)

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I can help with PVP: Defensive, Mage 101, Wyvern 101, and a little of Warrior 101, as well as help a little with translating to/from Spanish. Just gimme a time, and I'll see if I can be there. B)

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id say u should try teaching them to hunt some easier things, like demons, GG, party

another good thinkg would be teach them about timing, time amp, pfm, pfa enemy, time urself and the others

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' date='Dec 7 2008, 06:26 PM' post='243093']

Could someone please translate this into Spanish, Polish, Finnish, Korean...if possible.


W ostatnim tygodniu zaoferowałem dla nowych graczy kurs bicia hellclaw?w stosując formacji "X".


Gracze, co przybyli nauczyli się sporo i pod koniec kursu zabili potwora.


Dlatego, że to było udane, zachęciłem się do zaproponowania więcej takich kurs?w.


Mam niewiele we łbie (lol;p) ale potrzebuje pomocy, co by coś wymyślić więcej. Potrzebuje r?wnież pomocy przy tych kursach. Możecie dawać sugestie apropo rodzaju kursu lub zgłaszać się do pomocy nauczania.


Potrzebuje r?wnież tłumacz?w, Farjat był ostatnio, ale zawszę będzie to możliwe.


Jeśli możecie pom?c, daj znać.


Niekt?re kursy będą prowadzone podw?jnie. rano i p?źniej po południu, żeby jak najwięcej ludu się nauczyło.



Tematy kurs?w:


PVP: Obrona

- jak przeżyć podczas ataku

- jak uniknąć paraliżu, jak unikać blizza, co robić i czego nie robić, gdy atakujących jest wielu.


PVP: Atak

- sugestie, wskaz?wki, triki aby zdobyć EK

- jak celować blizzem, jak używać crit?w. Co robić i nie robić aby zwiększyć szanse na poszukiwanie po zdobyciu EK.


Mag 101

- najlepsze staty

- najlepsze buildy

- co nosić w bagu

- jak przeżyć

- najlepsze miejsca na kox

- najlepsze questy z CH i dlaczego ważne żeby je brać wcześnie


Wojownik 101

- dyskusje na temat r?żnych build?w, zademonstrujemy r?żne typy build?w: czysty, z pfm, z ampem itd i pokażemy obrażenia od takich build?w. Dyskusja ZA i PRZECIW.

- gdzie trenować

- co nosić w bagu

- jakie questy są najlepsze i kiedy

- najszybsze drogi koxania



Polowanie na Dragony/Wywerny 101 :D

Jak udanie zabić tych dziad?w. Wszystko co powinieneś wiedzieć aby być obecnym i uczestniczyć w takim huncie.



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