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Everything posted by wutafreek

  1. wutafreek

    New Hunt

    Nope, it's scheduled at 3pm server time. Not that Hunter can make it online at that time every day, but we forgive him anyways. :rolleyes:
  2. wutafreek

    New Hunt

    3pm, 3pm......Isn't that when the sade is supposed to be? :huh:
  3. wutafreek

    About Update. Sorry

    The point is if you learn ways to affect luck in-game, you'll get more drops. :sleep:
  4. wutafreek

    About Update. Sorry

    Another thing about the drop rate is that luck affects your drops, if you have bad luck you won't see many drops. If you have a lot of luck, you'll see a lot more drops. learn2affect luck.
  5. wutafreek

    About Update. Sorry

    Who says farjat isn't changing to where more n/s items drop? He didn't say WHAT he was doing to the drop rate, just that something would change. Hopefully, that's what it will be. :sleep:
  6. Because the current strip rate on BBHs is extremely high, and after about 6-7 hits on my 134% manu chain+1, it starts stripping every hit. So is there any possible way you could work on fixing the strip rate, or at least give us an idea on when it will be fixed, if ever? I know I've asked this several months before and never have gotten an answer from you or Sexy, so I thought I would try again. It would make a lot of people happy if you could let us know about this. :sleep:
  7. wutafreek

    Happy Birthday King!

    Happy birthday!!!!!! :ph34r:
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAGNON!!!!!!!!!!! Don't drink too much and have an awesome day! :wub: :wub: :wub: :lol: :lol:
  9. wutafreek

    So It Seems Today (thursday) Is Dragnon's B-day...

    Well it seems you're not back yet Drag, and I gtg, but I'll be sure to give you your present later. :ph34r: I'll be leavin for the weekend, but I think I'll be back on sunday...we'll see. ;)
  10. wutafreek

    So It Seems Today (thursday) Is Dragnon's B-day...

    Yeah I'm sure it's his b-day. :P
  11. wutafreek

    New Frozen Bug? Or Kind A Noob Thing?

    Elvines are being stupid and not realizing that you WERE being frozen, I saw it myself. Nice way to pay attention, guys. :glare: Even so, Hunter still had to check it out, because we don't want any edited people in Nemesis. :sleep:
  12. wutafreek

    Account Stealers

    Well the only way someone could steal your account is by finding out the password from someone or by guessing it, any idea what happened? :mellow:
  13. wutafreek

    About Update. Sorry

    I've been waiting for 180 since they mentioned the update so long ago, and I can honestly say I'd be kind of pissed if it wasn't raised to 180 now. Speaking of which, I've all but quit my mage until the update, because I need to know where to put my stats.
  14. wutafreek

    Can You Fight Etts Without Dex?!

    What khelben said is correct, try fighting ettins with 50 dex and you're a ping pong ball. :lol: I've tried it too. :P
  15. wutafreek

    Bad And Good Notice!

    Fix your dang internet! I miss you. :( :wub: :wub:
  16. wutafreek

    Happy Bday Mr. Damnation!

    Dang, I need to check the forum more often. HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY DAN!!!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
  17. wutafreek

    Bad And Good Notice!

    Well I'm late but.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TETEUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ :wub: :wub:
  18. wutafreek

    Lag + Lag+ Lag :\

    Before anyone says its a regional thing, EVERYONE has been getting the lag and DCing a lot. Just my two cents.
  19. wutafreek

    Happy Birthday Sexy!!

    Happy birthday Sexy!!!!!! Have a great day! ^_^
  20. wutafreek

    Barax Raiding

    I remember SOMEONE mentioning this when I was talking with them a while ago, but I don't wanna give anything away unless they want me to...? :rolleyes:
  21. wutafreek

    Wtf Fix This Damn Sade Bug I Mean Look At Thiss

    Hunter, I have a theory myself. :o I've noticed while on Muta that during the crusade when I open my sade map thingy, there's a patch of blue south of ToH, yet when I TP there myself, there isn't anything there. The patch of blue is always in the same spot, and I first noticed it after a mana stone was set there weeks ago, and have yet to see one in that spot since. So what if the problem is that there's just a bunch of "ghost" buildings there that somehow count towards your construction limit? Theoretically, couldn't a server restart (as in restarting the computer that is hosting the server, not wiping it) or at least restarting the maps connected to ML clear that up? That's just my thoughts on this. :sleep:
  22. wutafreek

    3rd Crusade Will Be Added To The Schedule

    Aww, I'm in class then. :o Ah well, hope none of my guildies want me to be on then. :lol:
  23. wutafreek

    Wow No Current Drama Thread?

    Wutabmage has RubyWare 100%! Omg hax! :ph34r:
  24. wutafreek

    Ronnel Lammer?

    I'm really hoping he isnt, though I heard something about that after the sade when I was solo raiding for a few minutes. I'm gonna miss him if he's tellin the truth. :(
  25. wutafreek

    Crusade Poll

    I personally would not be able to make a 9am (server time) crusade because of my class schedule, but 10am might work for me. As for my guildmates, I don't even know if they logon that early. Just my personal opinion. ^_^