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Posts posted by SexyBitch

  1. Hello young ones,


    I was bored lately and was browsing through my favorite websites. There i found Helbreath Nemisis..


    Would have thought the server died a while ago, since i played it back in 2005/2006. But i see that you all started over again and made it a damn fine server.


    So now im thinking of starting again with helbreath. But are there any oldschool players left? I saw that Hunter still is a GM here, thats always good to hear :wub: .


    And i read some stuff of alot of elvine players that went to the dark side? :unsure:


    Anyways was browsing through some old topics and even found this was still on the server: :D



    Ahh well, im planning on coming back to play here, although i dont have a lot of spare time these days. Im looking forward to lvl up some new characters and having some good fun with you guys.


    See you all ingame B)


    welcome back to nemesis, and yes there is still alot of the old school players



  2. Some people have recently lost their items. The reason they've lost it is because the passwords appear to be known by someone outside the Helbreath Nemesis staff. We have reason to believe that some people use the same account+password combination on Helbreath Nemesis as they do on other servers.


    We STRONGLY suggest you change your password RIGHT NOW, and also change it from time to time. Your passwords SHOULD NOT match any password used on other servers (even if not Helbreath specifically).


    We are still working on this issus i am closeing this post as there should not be any replys in here only keeping players updated..


    So please change your passwords and keep safe..



    Bump Bump Bump :)


  3. Some people have recently lost their items. The reason they've lost it is because the passwords appear to be known by someone outside the Helbreath Nemesis staff. We have reason to believe that some people use the same account+password combination on Helbreath Nemesis as they do on other servers.


    We STRONGLY suggest you change your password RIGHT NOW, and also change it from time to time. Your passwords SHOULD NOT match any password used on other servers (even if not Helbreath specifically).


    We are still working on this issus i am closeing this post as there should not be any replys in here only keeping players updated..


    So please change your passwords and keep safe..




  4. If i wanted to play, yes. But i want to be part of the evolution of the game.

    its alot harder then you think and yes jappy is very right in his words, i saw so much of this myself in the outpost forum so many tried and it always ended up with fighting, and someone saying you nicked this part of code and that part then it all back to fighting again. and this one leaves then that one, it would have been great to see it happen and i think in some ways it could have if they just sorted from the start how everything and everyone fitted into place.





  5. Hi all


    I am sorry about the website and forum being down for the last few days, the datacenter that the server is hosted at had an explostion and this caused alot of danage they have been working round the closk to fix this and get power to the datacenter to get all the srevers etc back up and running,


    Over the next week we may have some problems with the forum and website going offline our server is on the 1st floor of the datacenter and this was badly damaged so right now they are running that floor on temp power.

    all should be fixed within the next week so after that there should be no problems.




    so the server is still down or can we log in??

    The game server is running even if the website and forum is down they are runn from diff servers so you can still have fun if the website and forum are down.

  6. Hi all


    I am sorry about the website and forum being down for the last few days, the datacenter that the server is hosted at had an explostion and this caused alot of danage they have been working round the closk to fix this and get power to the datacenter to get all the srevers etc back up and running,


    Over the next week we may have some problems with the forum and website going offline our server is on the 1st floor of the datacenter and this was badly damaged so right now they are running that floor on temp power.

    all should be fixed within the next week so after that there should be no problems.




    On a good note The game server is running even if the website and forum is down they are runn from diff servers so you can still have fun if the website and forum are down. if you are having trouble updating to the new version 4.55 please go to main website page news and you will find the update patch there within the news topic

  7. hi lew


    you are a good friend and always will be i miss you i know i was not around alot but we had some good times and i will always remember you. well anyway as farjat said if you come back your GM is still there what else can i say you have a lucy wife and kids and you are a great person



  8. Gms have ares character therefor would prefer to have BF and Tp... Man iv seen GM kill wyv to help Survivors need i say more?....

    Of course, on our normal characters we do anything we can to help Aresden, since we're Aresden. On our normal chars, we are players just like you.


    Our GM characters (and related powers) are not used to favor Aresden or Elvine in any way. A very rare specific case, like the one you mention, that barely affects anything, is hard to prevent. But it doesn't happen often enough to be problematic. Unless you can come up with some statistics or hard facts I doubt anything needs to be different.

    On the contrary i already said that IV seen ares log gm characters and and help kill tw and wyvs... ask demenester if its happened bfo... hes seen it iv seen it and wrig has seen it

    when it was Sexy... U guys know wat it comes down to... Its happened bfo jaapy and here we are again!



    I am sorry but i had to reply to this topic Milk i have not logged my GM and helpped kill NPC for noone i am not like that and never will be. as you all know i dont play that much so my char i not online when i do come online i come to both towns always and if i do an event its for both towns i never leave anyone town out.


    Please dont make it sound that i am one sided i dont have time to play so seems your just useing my GM i never been one sided all the time i run this server and never will be.





  9. omg i was just writing a next reply in forum and was working out how long nemesis had been around and well its 5 years this mouth not bad for a private server :) i think we should do something for the 5 years.


    it was the 28th april 2003 that nemesis was opened running 2.191 and this was the start of a great server if i can say so myself :)


    i meet many good friends and have enjoyed every min of helpping to keep nemesis server up and running we had some great times and all the people i have meet are all great i am just sorry i dont get to play much now but i am always around maybe you dont see me but i am there





  10. i never worry about sango he tried so many time to down nemesis and can never do it he should no better by now but some silly people never want to give up trying, well in one way its better for us as it helps us learn more about ways to make nemesis better.


    well all we are still looking after all so nemesis is going no where but where its been for the least omg we have hit 5 years this mouth i just checked it :))) well as i was saying nemesis is only going up up up



  11. not axx to the server you mis understand farjat here. he can work on code and fix things add things etc but server axx would be a no no.


    i new from along time ago jaaps was good at what he did but where i not been around i did not tie jaaps as musselgirl.


    jaaps new from time ago i new this but i always though he wanted the best for nemesis and not do this sort of thing it was underhanded when someone trust you then take that trust dont abuse it which he has done by hacking into farjats lan.


    but its done we always new there was a chance oneday that the src code would get out. he dont have it all only the code we use but thats the base of it all.


    now the time has come to see if he will kill the game by releasing the src code to all.


    you see many have asked me for the src code and i always said no for one reason it was not to keep them from it it was to keep the game alive.


    you see if he releases then all will have and then what happens many server are opened and the few players that are left go all over to other servers this then makes it so that all the server have so few players that its not worth keeping it going as whats the fun on a server with only a few players.



    you see there is alot more to a server and keeping it going than just what you think you have to think of so many things.


    and to keep the game fun you need a server with players.




    but i tell you this myself before i let him release i will i have not worked on nemesis for so many years to let someone come in and kill it.