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Everything posted by aengis

  1. aengis

    Safe In Recall Points

    safe zones at map borders are shit. people that boxed recall points should be punished as buggers or ek lammers => ban
  2. aengis

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    you can always add a delay between use, like on activation items... or a chance that the mage will get a negative state from using it ( frozen, 2 secs of lize, auto mimed... ) just a random idea
  3. aengis

    Make Raid Days Only Fri-Sun

    the solution can be easy.... one day can have only 5-6h(3 and 3 divided to give the chance to every1) of raid time. and other 3days: 24h,
  4. aengis

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    2-3 min? Non DK set remove from 5th hit... I carrying 2 Chains couse of that.. 20 hits the chain is 500/100.. also knight removed to fast.. mage are in disadvantage... its too easy to be 180, so think with dk set ON... witn dk chain +mshield mages are almost inmortal
  5. So maybe instead move respekt you need to move a European guild? the rebalance moving guilds needs more time to check at what hours people play, how good they are etc... at the heldenian most of ares and most of elvines were online... more elvines On than ares, but ares were more organiced... still elvine won easy, not as easy as usual, but easy. both citys needs people from all the nations... if all arg goes to one side and all polacs go to the other, they will almost never fight one vs the other because of the time diference (well, args would win almost all the fights if they fight :P).... same with asian people
  6. well at european time elvs over run aresden, we were going to change the name of the city to elvine 2 :P; pl, ml, ib, d2, ares garden all of them are elvine lvl pits at that hour.
  7. aengis

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    Ok, but remove the Fire Bow for a month too. no problem, i agree with that, 1 thing removed from magues spells and 1 thing removed from warriors weapons its similar to remove blizz and BBH but instead of damage , the previous ones are just anoying
  8. aengis

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    another solution => pfm prevents MIM
  9. aengis

    Aengis Shop => Buy Coal

    still buying coals now looking for PR items too
  10. aengis


    nope, since if that happens people will box in every entrance of map / exit of building
  11. aengis

    Game Update 03/09/2013 - V5.43.002

    since it include bars, can it include manuf items? :P
  12. aengis

    Variety Of War Builds

    the problem came with the dk set, with that monstruosity you depend on the BBH to do damage since flam/gis are like mosquito bites to some1 with dk set ( mage or warrior). bbh/blizz is the only way to make pvp " fast" since you have to spend a lot of point on int/str you have less vit, but people dont care about that since they can kill some1 faster with those top spells/ weapons. the problem with axes is that they have all the bad from sword and the hammers.... no strip from the sword (vs warriors, the shield strip is ok, but almost no1 use shield in a 1 on 1) and low distance crit from the hammer and the swords... well.. no special effect are making them rot; maybe they should add something to the black shadow sword (ideas?)
  13. aengis

    Game Update 03/09/2013 - V5.43.002

    statted armors/weapons too? no diference in chance between ancient and bs item? :/
  14. aengis

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    make it non-area spell and it will be "ok" ( still op)
  15. aengis

    Nemesis 3 Experience Table

    there is a trick, make a party with a low lvl and let him make the final hit, x50 to the party :D
  16. aengis

    Server Status Report: First Week

    things are going good for the 1st week, somethings can go better but hey, the server is doing quite great! moving a guild is better than random player moves, just hope that only move will be enough to balance both sides. ffa at arena? teams? lvl restrictions? we need some mr events! => i prefer inside church to do it, since its big and no1 use it... as the normal summon event but only with magic orcs :D can be done with poison event too, maybe summon only poison snakes/scorps and both work for shield% too ( once orcs run out of mana)
  17. aengis

    Update V5.43.001

  18. aengis


    blizz without ice neck => free eks to mages
  19. aengis

    Drop List On Website

    game info => monsters => click on monster => full list without the % chance
  20. aengis

    Upgrading Of Anc Weapons

    necesitas un sharp +4 para estar como un ancient... creo que mantiene su valor
  21. aengis

    Auto Fill Manufacturing Items

    please remember this
  22. aengis

    Rep And Contribtion

    oh, they ask for contri? 1st news i have, thanks.
  23. aengis

    Upgrading Of Anc Weapons

    no, the bonuses are different... it will make similar dmg yes, but not the same
  24. aengis

    Rep And Contribtion

    wait, contri for crafting???
  25. aengis


    depends if it makes the net crash or it put too much work on the server (basically the network can stand vs the ddos but the server doesnt)