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Everything posted by Mariano78

  1. Mariano78

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Personally I think the reset is not an option at this time. Simply view posts from previous years and inevitably live a similar crisis and this is for several reasons: 1 - We all grow and have new obligations so we play less (perhaps with better quality but less so). 2 - Each year a new server opens that shows promise but does not last more than 8 months and then all return to the safe place where we kept what we got. 3 - Everything has a shelf life and is no exception Helbreath is almost a game collection, so the community is more or less stable and is rare to join new generations when phones have games with better graphics, making it less attractive to the eye (not the gameplay). Surely if a reset would have, at least initially, 200 people playing it then would drop to 80 and would remain at 60. Since I doubt that excuse of old players "I do not start a server again, because you have to train and blablabla", because the server that opens, server to get to play. You have to be aware that now we complain about the few people but many people, we would complain of lag that we would produce 50 magicians pulling blizz. Get out in the sun and let the time pass, this always get up and do it again I guess. Just enter a few minutes a day, not to lose the habit. Mariano
  2. Mariano78

    Jing[gm]'s Scavenger Hunt Event

    Well, congrats kelly, fake kelly (or roca) and all heineken team for first place. And congrats hachis for second place And future congrats who win 3 place
  3. Mariano78

    Is It Worth It To Start Fresh?

    comparto lo del reset, por el momento asi esta bien el server para jugar. sin embargo, respecto a la sangre nueva que entra, ya vi varios de esos nuevos abandonar debido a que llegan a 180 en un par de horas y deben hacer contri para poder sacar el dkset, tal vez reviendo esto se podria tener aun mas nuevos miembros en el server. share about the reset, at the moment so it's okay to server to play. however, about the new blood coming in, and saw several of these new leave due to reach 180 in a couple of hours and must contribute to make the dkset, perhaps reviewing this could have even more new members on the server. Regards
  4. Mariano78

    Is It Worth It To Start Fresh?

    Es muy cierto lo que dice Junho. Pero creo que es un buen momento si uno tiene que empezar con un char nuevo, ya que si bien es dificil pelear contra quien ya esta armado, al haber menos gente conectada de lo habitual, se puede entrenar de forma tranquila en ciertos lugares sabiendo que justamente por la cantidad de gente conectada, no vas a ser molestado muy seguido y de esta forma poder adquirir algunos items y subir de nivel para ir armando el char. by google.... It is very true what you say Junho. But I think it is a good time if you have to start with a new char, because although it is difficult to fight against those who are already armed, fewer people connected than usual, you can train in a calm way in certain places, knowing that just by the number of people connected, you will not be disturbed too often and thus able to purchase some items and level up to go arming the char. Regards
  5. Mariano78

    Happy Bday White[gm]

    Happy b-day white!!!!! here in argentina is 9th oct atm!!
  6. Mariano78

    Suggestions For Advertice

    Hola Realmente toda la informacion que necesita alguien nuevo en el juego se encuentra en la ayuda (F1), tal vez no seria necesario armar una guia y se podria ver la forma de que al crear un nuevo char cuando se abre la ventana de ayuda pregunte si es la primera vez en helbreath, si se contesta no (como seria el caso de alguien que crea su segundo char o ya se conoce el juego) la ventana se cierra y caso contrario se abra el menu de ayuda donde sea obligatorio leer al menos las opciones mas importantes (atack, defense, magic, specific point, skill, items y beningger guide por ejemplo) y definitivamente incentivar el uso del foro, indicando donde por ejemplo que se podran encontrar guias sobre los stats, hunts, items, tipos de chars, etc. Si habria que hacer algunos cambios dentro del menu de ayuda, ya que por ejemplo las coords de los edificios ubicados en cada ciudad no se corresponden con el presente. Y finalmente se podria dar la opcion de tener un cliente en español ya que ultimamente esta ingresando gente que no entiende mucho del ingles y le cuesta mucho mas todavia entender la ayuda posible a recibir, mucho mas si tuviese que leer una guia ya hecha en ingles. By Gooogle...... Hello Actually all the information you need someone new to the game is in the help (F1), may not be necessary to put together a guide and could see the way that you create a new char when opening the help window asks if is the first time in Helbreath, if you say no (as in the case of someone who creates his second char or already know the game) the window closes and otherwise open the help menu which is obligatory to read at least the most important options (atack, defense, magic, specific point, skill, items and beningger guide for example) and will definitely encourage the use of the forum, indicating where such guides that can be found on the stats, hunts, items, types of chars and so on. If you would have to make some changes in the help menu, as for example the coords of the buildings in each city do not correspond to the present. And finally it could give the option of having a Spanish-speaking customer is entering lately because people do not understand much of English and still has trouble understanding much help as possible to receive much more if I had to read a guide and made ​​in English .
  7. Mariano78

    Hosting Company Manteinance. 10/12/2011

    El resumen es que el 12/10 entre las 00.00 y 04.00 hora del server, el host va a realizar tareas mantenimiento y que posiblemente haya periodos de lag o perdida de paquetes.
  8. Mariano78

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.37

    Muy buen trabajo hicieron con el update. solamente tengo un comentario para hacer, si ahora es necesario tener puntos de contri para poder sacar el dkset una vez que se es lvl 180 (al menos lo pide en este momento), no veo mucho sentido que las barracks sigan estando hasta el max lvl o bien creen una quest especial que de los puntos necesarios para tener el set completo matando dummis. porque sino veriamos muchos goldies (siendo lvl 180) haciendo puntos de contri y es lo que justamente se quiso evitar con las barracks hasta el maximo nivel debido a la gran cantidad de chars ya armados y la dificultad de jugar para alguien nuevo. by google translator Very good work done with the update. I have only one comment to make, whether it is now necessary to point out the contribution to dkset once it is lvl 180 (at least the calls at this time) I do not see much sense that the barracks are still up to the max lvl or create a special quest of the necessary points to get the full set killing dummys. because otherwise we would see many goldies (being lvl 180) doing contri points and is just what it wanted to avoid the barracks to the maximum level due to the large number of premade chars and the difficulty of playing for someone new. Regards
  9. Mariano78

    Is Really Difficult To Play Like This....

    I think he talk about the attacks being suffered by the server and during sade for example, at least 3 times we disconnect all. But there is no other option to be patient (And do not complain, because we know what happens), go out and see the sun and wait for the staff work it out as well farjat said in another post. Regards
  10. Mariano78

    Pings Pls.

    Hello Here my ping. As reference, ping from Argentina. ping Media 165Ms ping Media 186Ms
  11. Mariano78

    Server Crash?

    I was at bf, try recall and cant log again...
  12. Mariano78

    Alchemy Ingredents

    Yes, the skill go up if you do invi pots or others pots, but if dont have the ingredients, you can do mana pot or hp pot and train skill anyways
  13. Mariano78

    Alchemy Ingredents

    You can train alch to 100% only doing mana pot, hp pot, etc.
  14. Mariano78

    The Problem Why New Players Dont Stay Long...

    Vintage, I agree that the posing but would be almost impossible to meet because in many cases are willing to give a kidney for an EK. This is logical because it is much easier to kill someone new than someone who has been playing for years and has many items. What is not understood then it is subsequently raised that reads "can not be that Ares / Elvs do not fight". Personally I do not fight much, much less do it with new people because not find the grace and I think if not better left to those people, the server could stagnate. I do not share is the subject of the number of players, according to the schedule since Ares has more players who Elv (morning) and afternoon / evening gives the inverse, just look at the statistics of crusades and helds and is something that has to be cyclic. Regards
  15. Jing, welcome back. Excellent, we now expect news from White to reelected prices (needs change). Regards
  16. Mariano78

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.34

    Nice changes. Im agree whit change on recall too, but most people give you life for having ek easier. Btw, new heldenian are 6:30 PM or Am server time like cruzade (this one is played for Asian ppl mostly). Regards
  17. Mariano78

    Server Down?

    I make recall to elv from d4 and lost coneccion and cant log again. Maybe town are down?
  18. Mariano78

    About The New Guild System

    Es solo una idea, pero tal vez se podria ver la posibilidad de duplicar la cantidad de gente que se puede tener en el guild por cada nivel, de esta manera el precio por utilizar el sistema completo seguiria siendo alto pero las guilds estarian mas armadas para afrontar las quest y con el juego en si.. It's just an idea, but maybe it could see the possibility of doubling the number of people can have in the guild for each level, so the price of using the entire system would still be high but the guilds would be better armed to deal with the quest and the game itself. Mariano
  19. Mariano78

    About The New Guild System

    Personalmente, no veo muy elevado el precio para el primer nivel, siendo que en 7 min se puede hacer una party quest de 200 mobs en ml con party full y si se juega con tener 9 personas en el guild y no 10 y dejar ese espacio para meter y sacar miembros que solamente donen, a los 50k se podria llegar relativamente rapido, mas cuando el TS o skype pueden suplantar momentaneamente el guild char. Si me parece exesivo el costo de los demas upgrades para poder aprovechar el sistema completo, porque como bien dijo juli, no todos tenemos el mismo tiempo para jugar. Personally, I dont see a very high price for the first level, in 7 minutes you can make a party quest killing 200 mobs in ml with full party and if you have 9 people in the guild and not 10 and leave that space to join and remove members who donate only, the 50k could be reached relatively quickly, and TS or skype can replace the guild char momentarily. If I believe excessive the cost of other upgrades to use of the entire system, because, as Juli said, not everyone has the same time to play.
  20. Mariano78

    Remove Dk Set

    Why? if the dk is remove, must be remove all because fall into another post more than "make it increasingly easier to kill the other". Regards
  21. Mariano78

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    assigning guild ranks should be fixed. Taming to 21% is not possible using slimes, you need to move on to the next mob. You don't gain any taming "skill" when taming a mob you've maxed out for. Consulted with white [GM], the taming works with the stat Chr, in the same way that hammer skill works with Dex. That is, to have 100% taming will need 50 of Crh. Consultado con white[GM], el taming funciona con el stat Chr, de la misma manera que por ejemplo el skill hammer funciona con la Dex. Es decir, para tener 100% taming se necestia 50 de Crh
  22. Mariano78

    About Sade

    Tal vez no tenga nada que ver con el problema de las sades. Pero no se podria volver a la version anterior del cliente? si se perderia el cambio que se hizo sobre el recall, pero habria sades y podria verse con mas tranquilidad de arreglar el problema actual, sin la necesidad de estar recordando dias y horarios. By Google... Maybe it has nothing to do with the problem of Sades. But could not return to the previous version of the client? be lost if the change made ​​on the recall, but it would Sades and could be with more tranquility to fix the current problem without being reminded of days and times. Atte Mariano
  23. Mariano78

    Maconhado's Bday !

    Or why not just have a good life and friends outside the HB and also good friends in the HB who want to spend some time 24 hours-long birthday with them, for various and different reasons. anyways, i have some wines for this day macon! Regards.
  24. Mariano78

    Repeat Quest

    As with the new update the contribution will make a very important value, it occurred to me that, if possible, to complete a quest will have the option of repeating the same and just the same. This would look a lot more people making quest in distant maps and not only in garden or ogres because it is near the city. And to have some kind of disadvantage, when you recibe the price for completing the quest, only pay one of all done, so people should choose, if you do many quests and recibe one prize of just do one as usually. Thanks and sorry for my english. Mariano
  25. Mariano78

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, hopefully receive some gift! Regards Pd: Parchis, buena esa, nunca nos habian llamado asi. Ahhh que lindo el humor y picardia argentina.