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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Clean Ig And De

    After training in IG pit for a long time, it stops being annoying. That, and eventually you'll figure out where to lure them so the enemy doesn't find them. :P
  2. JingGM

    Clean Ig And De

    That's the whole point of it. It's a great pit for EXP, so we don't want to make it TOO easy. :P
  3. JingGM

    Happy Bday Juli Gm!

    FELIZ CUMPLE JULI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  4. JingGM

    Clean Ig And De

    Very good pits. Better EXP from those pits. Just bring a party. :P
  5. JingGM

    Berserk Wand Dmg

    100 Damage+30% is better than 10 damage+30%.
  6. This is very true. If you keep shit talking players constantly, ESPECIALLY the same players, they're not gonna stay around. Not everyone has fun getting insulted every time they login to play a GAME.
  7. JingGM

    Abby Dead !

    I remember about a month ago that Merien Plate, Demon Slayer, and Z Wand MS.10 dropped all in one week of clearing Abby maps...
  8. JingGM

    Abby Dead !

    Nope, Nemesis 3 will come after Nemesis 2 has an average of 2 players per day. In other words, not for a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time. :D
  9. JingGM

    Server Is Dead

    (And people in the USA going back to school) Closed.
  10. JingGM

    Abby Dead !

    You'll probably have better chances of getting a rare from Abaddon than other monsters, trust me. We've posted the drop rate of some of Abby's drops in another topic, go look for it.
  11. JingGM

    Mass Illution

    Me too, it would be a bit nicer. If you actually land it, it's EXTREMELY useful.
  12. JingGM

    Please Bring Back The Ettin Pit!

    Actually we already have a plan for the far left island in ML, and I think you guys will like it. :D
  13. JingGM

    Players Beware

    Bump Added Danish translation.
  14. JingGM

    New Game Currency

    If we considered doing any of these things, I'd pick 1 at a time, and see how it starts to affect the economy. Putting them all in at one time would DESTROY new players to the game, and definitely hurt the older players. As far as Zems go, if I ever ran out of zems on my warrior, I just wouldn't play him until I got more. Why? Because I don't have enough space in my WH to put all my statted items (darn naked PVP events!), and I'm too lazy to make a char to transfer my trade items to! :lol:
  15. JingGM

    1 Thing

    I understand what you mean, Mari! You have a good point there, Cleanser, but most of the older players now are (I think) more careful with it than before. That being said, yes, some of the newer (and a few older) players could still make those mistakes, causing the item to be lost to that guild. :P However, I DO like the idea, because even if someone has 2 XR's and 2 IE's in their bag, they still only have 18 crits (at 180), and how often will they be able to re-crit within 20 minutes? (P.S. - Moved to the correct forum)
  16. Probably our most popular event is coming back for round 3!!!! Always wanted to kill a GM? Well, now is your chance!!! The GM staff will be raiding your town this Saturday, after the Crusade. We will be on characters called GeeMe 1-10 You will not know which GM is on which Thief account. We have normal, unedited HP and carry NO hp pots!!! We do have full hero, dk15 and dk set, zerk wands, Medusa necks, Medusa Swords, Xelima Rapiers, Ice Elemental Swords, - all bound. These items cannot be dropped! This is how it works.... When the thieves raid Elvine....Aresden assists us. When we raid Aresden, Elvine assists us. When we die we drop items. We will NOT be carrying Zems!!! We will drop items varying from: MP and HP items, exp 20% wands, flams, GS, statted GiS, hammers, meriens, xelima stones, Angels +1, capes, and other cool stuff! The person who picks up the drop, owns it. Period. We will not get into resolving disputes about our drops. We will raid both towns for an equal amount of time. All are welcome to participate. Sorry, but we have a full staff and don't need anyone to be a thief with us. Just remember...when we raid your town....you kill us. When we raid opposite town, you are on our team and support us in killing the enemy. Questions? post them here Please translate post... Thank you, Jing[GM] Evento maten al GM (en espa?ol) Probablemente nuestro evento mas popular esta de vuelta por el round 3!!!!! Siempre quisiste matar un GM? bien, esta es tu opurtunidad!!! El grupo de GMs atacara tu ciudad este sabado despues de la Crusada. Sera con nuestros personajes llamados GeeMe 1-10 Ustedes no sabran cual Gm esta en esta cuenta robada. Sera normal, sin editar hp y no portara pociones de vida!!!! Tendran set de heroe completo, dk15 y dk srt, zerk wand, collar medusa(para el que no sabe no puede ser paralizado), Medusa Sword, Rapiers de Xelima, Sword of Ice Elementals, todos estos items no podran ser dropeados! Asi es como esto funciona: Cuandos estos maleantes acechen elvine, los aresden nos asistiran. Cuando acechen aresden los elvines nos apoyaran. Cuando mueran dopearemos items, no portaremos zems. Los drops iran desde: mp y hp items,exp 20% wands,flams, Gis. Gs, hammers, merien y xelimas stones, angels+1 y otras buenas cosas. La persona quien tome los drops se lo queda. advertencia. Nosotros NO nos involucraremos en resolver disputas acerca de los drops. Acecharemos ambas ciudades con la misma cantidad de tiempo. Todos estan invitados a participar. Lo siento,nuestro equipo esta completo asi que no necesitamos que nos asistan con los delincuentes. Solo recuerden cuando acechemos sus ciudades....nos matan. Cuando acechemos la ciudad contraria nos asisten, se unen a nuestro equipo para poder matar al enemigo. Preguntas?? posteenlas aqui Por favor traduscan este post Jing[GM]
  17. JingGM

    Im A Noob...so?

    Yeah I missed a lot of people...it was late. :lol:
  18. JingGM

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

  19. JingGM

    Im A Noob...so?

    Couldn't have said it better myself, Fede. When I go back to college next week...I'm REALLY gonna miss you guys, hope you all know that. Hachis* has been a great guild...something that I always wanted for ';..;' Rawr, but with school, etc. I just didn't have the time to put into it. Thanks to Mari, Fede, Juano, Ro, Matt, Tio, Nury, Jesi, Jona.......everyone else who I can't remember, you guys really made this summer a lot more fun that it would have been without you guys. :D Te quiero tambien, fede! (No homo!)
  20. JingGM

    An Equation For Working Out Ping?

    Bump for explanation to lag problems.
  21. JingGM

    Why Is It So Hard To Make A Trade?

    You're looking for MP armor, THE most used armor in the game. Unless someone has a higher piece, they won't trade their MP armor, because it's the most useful item they have, usually. As for a good weapon for a warrior, I KNOW a lot of people trade weapons...what kind are you looking for, anyways? As for the town population, Elvine will come back, trust me. This happens a lot...sometimes Elvine is the town with huge numbers, sometimes Aresden. It will change back sooner or later.
  22. JingGM

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

    Even players with low ping (like me) still bump, especially with that many people. You don't know WHEN we're gonna die, either. And then the low ping/high FPS players might accidentally run off the drop instead of grabbing it. The low ping people could be so busy trying to grab the drops, they might die, too! The list goes on and on. :P
  23. JingGM

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

  24. JingGM

    Please Bring Back The Ettin Pit!

    I've seen a LOT of MGs/Ettins running around ML lately, it's not like they're too hard to find nowadays. :huh: