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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. Yes I know, I've been trying to be fair with what was written in my 1st post, but it's hard when I'm getting whispers from 5 people at once asking me to check their lists/asking if something is OK to use or not. I now know a little of what Hunter goes through! :blink: Anyways the first 3 prizes have been awarded, please let me know if you still want to use your items for the 4th or 5th prize, and I will award them accordingly.
  2. Checked item logs and times, and it's actually a tie for 3rd place with Amon and TheOutlaw. For the potions, like I said, I'm not being VERY VERY VERY strict on item names counting for certain letters, because I didn't specify in the 1st post. TheOutlaw used his HP21 Chain Hose for H, and yes, I counted it because I counted someone else using a Manu Chain Hose for H as well. As for the potions, again, I counted those for P for someone else, too. Why? Because there's no "D" or "O" in "Merry Christmas Happy New Year". However, I counted S for Sex change pot and I for Invis pot too. Like I said, next time I'll make sure it's more specific, or be sure to say that it's NOT specific.
  3. If necessary, I will check the item logs to make sure, but so far I haven't needed to. With Nury, for example, she had the right items already, but she posted it a little later. She was still the first person to gather all the items, and the first person to post a complete list. No problem there. For Mariano78, you can see yourself he didn't edit his post, and he had all the necessary items. No problem there, either. There's 1st and 2nd place right there. For the rest, I'll check item logs/post EDIT times (because you can see when they edited their post), and award prizes from there. I'm doing the best I can, but I'm only human. For what items actually count for letters, yes, I'm not being AS strict on that as I could, because I didn't put that in the first post. I only got White's message this morning that he couldn't run the event, so I took what he had already posted and tried to edit it the best I could. I obviously forgot one or two things, yes, but I'm trying to work with what I've already posted.
  4. Mariano78 is the winner of the 2nd prize! Still checking the rest of the lists, please be patient! LastOutlaw and Svafnir seem like they have the correct items, I'll check them in-game soon. Armors need to be statted, please find something different for those two! Tiene que tener stats, por favor ecuentra algo diferente por esos 2! Need something different than Merien/Uni Meat, please! Different rare than Ogre Ring, please! I forgot to add that in the excluded list at the beginning, sorry! Need 2nd drops for these two, that aren't in the excluded list!
  5. Nury is the winner of 1st prize! I checked all her items personally, and yes, she had the correct items for the list. Working on the rest of the lists now, please be patient!
  6. For raMz, you need Rares (2nd drops!) that aren't in the excluded list! Blood Rapier, Blood Axe, and Ring of Demon are all good, but you can't use MS14/DM2, sorry. TheOutlaw where is your last item for Y? I'll finish checking those lists once you guys supply the items.
  7. Yep I'm working on checking them now. Dangit, you're right, I'm sorry. I mis-read my own instructions! :lol:
  8. Blood Axe and Air Elemental DO count, yes. I'll re-check your list.
  9. Pero tienes las cosas para "MERRY"? No lo veo... Y tienes que usar las cosas "Rare" que no son excluidos: "*** Los art?culos que consideran EXCLUIDOS! (Usted no los puede para la letra "Y "!!!!!!): Fire Pro neck Light Pro neck Lucky Gold Ring Ruby Ring Emerald Ring Sapphire ring Platinum ring Ring of Wizard Ring of Mage M.Shield wand DF10/RM10/MS10/DM1 Necklace DF15/RM15/MS12/DM2 Necklace DF20/RM20/MS14/DM3 Necklace"
  10. For weapons, its: E > (Critical) Esterk H > (Ancient) Hammer
  11. If it's a weapon or armor, no, it cannot be from the BS. It must have some type of stat.
  12. P.S. You can NOT use the same item twice! You MUST use ALL different items! NO puedes usar lo mismo cosa dos veces! Tienes que usar TODOS cosas DIFERENTES! P.P.S. If you are using a weapon or armor, it MUST have a stat on it! (Light16%, CiC1%, doesn't matter, as long as it has SOMETHING on it!) If you are using a weapon, even if it's "Sharp Claymore", it would only count as "C" for "C"laymore! Si usas una arma o una armadura, TIENE que tener un stat! (Light16%, CiC1% no importa, solo tiene que tener ALGO!) Si usas una arma, si esta un "Sharp Claymore", solo puede ser por el "C" de "C"laymore!
  13. JingGM

    Merry Christmas 2010!

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  14. JingGM

    Gm Abuse => Juli Gm

    1. This is not the right place to report abuse. The ticket system is there for a reason. Use it. 2. I'm tired of seeing topics when they should be tickets. 3 week forum suspension. 3. If it was 2 months ago, why the hell are you bringing it up now? If farjat closed the ticket, that means he at least SAW the ticket. If he doesn't answer, it doesn't mean he didn't do something about it. CLOSED.
  15. JingGM

    The Guild System Update

    Yes, "GCP" is just Guild Contribution Points. I'll explain: 1. Player wutafreek donates 200 Contribution points to "';..;' Rawr Guild" 2. "';..;' Rawr Guild" now has 200 Guild Contribution Points (GCP). 3. Player Muta donates 30 Contribution points to "';..;' Rawr Guild". 4. "';..;' Rawr Guild" now has 230 Guild Contribution Points (GCP). These are just the Contribution points that any player can get from regular quests, that they donate to their guild. The guild can then spend those points for upgrades, etc.
  16. JingGM

    The Guild System Update

    Yes, as long as the GuildMaster is level 140 or higher, and has 20 Charisma (or higher, but who has more than that on a real char?). Nothing for creating a guild has changed, just limits have been added.
  17. JingGM

    Easy Way To Make Server 100% Better

    Caps/Hats: Because mages are already powerful enough without adding statted Caps/Hats. Aside from this, statted 52 Str Helms DO drop, and it's not that big of a change to add a little Str to a mage for one of those helms. They also drop with Light 16% (44 Str) or higher, I know there's already a couple MP/HP Helms in-game with Light stat. (This is coming from someone who has played a mage since the beginning of Nemesis 2, and later both a mage and a war) Plate Leggings: I don't really know, I don't think it's something we've ever discussed with the staff.
  18. JingGM

    The Guild System Update

    Smart one, this way ppl of a guild that are not yet guildsmen because of 10 limit would be able to donate their contri for a faster guild update. You should consider this, white! 1. Join Guild 2. Donate all your Contribution Points 3. Leave Guild Repeat with next character. ;)
  19. JingGM

    The Guild System Update

    Added Spanish translation to first post.
  20. JingGM

    Easy Way To Make Server 100% Better

    I personally LOVE killing wyvs! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Anyways, after this guild update I'll try to gather some suggestions from here and take them to the staff.
  21. JingGM

    Easy Way To Make Server 100% Better

    Raid days are Wednesday-Sunday. Only Monday and Tuesday have no raid. We're discussing Recall.
  22. JingGM


    Send a ticket, don't post it in the forums.
  23. JingGM

    Active Weap

    nop, a new activation weapon that gives you unlimited crits as the activation effect. So instead of having IE or Xelima effect, you just have unlimited crits as the effect. He doesn't mean ADD that to IE/Xelima weps, but create a NEW wep with this effect of infinite crits. Sounds very interesting, I think it would be cool if the damage wasn't too high, and no higher than hammer/longsword crit range.
  24. JingGM

    Ie Neck

    Most people who have IE Necks also have good MR/MA Sets. IE Sword is one of the few defenses against those people, especially if they have good ping and always stay pfm/amped. I'm an IE Neck user myself, but people usually don't use IE Swords on me for whatever reason. However, when they do, I don't cry about it, because it's the one "easy" way to slow me down a lot, even if they don't manage to kill me. White is working on fixing the descriptions of things in the portal now that he knows the Nemesis source codes, so those will be changed when he has time.
  25. JingGM


    We're discussing it in the Staff Room. Sorry, didn't realize my last post got deleted.