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Posts posted by itachi

  1. i live in small town, i work in this wireless provider, we have 4 ADSL LINK 10MB with balance system, he see what have a small trafic and send the packet for this mouden, and the client have a nice navegation with the lighter ADSL LINK.




    Modem 1 = 2 mb traffic

    Modem 2 = 8 mb traffic

    Modem 3 = 1 mb traffic

    Modem 4 = 3 mb traffic


    i dont have fix HOT IP ADRESS, just reboot the ADSL MODEM the HOT IP CHANGE.


    Maybe he check all files with Modem 3 and try log inside account with Modem 1, both have different ip address... maybe this are my problem.



    Sorry for the sux english .. i know a little english and i use sometimes google translator

  2. white, same problem, my provider use 4 dedicated link with balance, for it my IP ADDRESS change all the time, i can't fix the HOT IP ADDRESS, i check website " MY IP ADRESS " he changed in all the visit.


    LOOK IT, i try 3 times, and i take 3 IP ADRESS


    Maybe your Auto UPDATE, check my files with ONE IP, and Try log in with another IP ADRESS.


    First try.



    Second try.


    thrid try.


  3. First Part


    Brazilian Linguage:



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