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About odarox

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  1. odarox

    Server Down ?

    one bug!! Travs cant Out to church!!!
  2. odarox

    [FIXED] Server Down ?

    SERVER ON!!! xp event plz \o/
  3. i ask im global chat much times and nobody said anything... then went to shooping and saw that some members of FNDA not talk to me if anything were just showing the new item.. and now and resolve this situation? tanks for reply Tony
  4. and maybe also maybe that's why he has done food game in shopp on Tony
  5. Basically he want to know what is going on with those items dropped by wyvs etc. He's waiting for the food game. What happened??? was that it was not done!!! only this
  6. Also yesterday I was one of many that will help clean up the maps and the map also abby and muchs wvy fire wvy downs and muchs drops zem, xelima, merians droped!! and all drops Tony and others members of FNDA get for affeter hunt make a food game and make food game on 2 rares drops and affeter??? all recall and will not talk any more of food game of xelima merian and zems. I wanted an answer about that... About the Merien plate, the real owner is send a ticket... Tanks and sorry my english is bad
  7. odarox

    Is Server Down?

    and mi lost a zem im pl -.- by lag
  8. odarox

    (Fixed) Lag Issues

    now me and othres Br's have much lag =/ before was not so someone can help me? ty
  9. odarox

    No Life?

    its true and if u use dk or hero in other char u HPdown and in pl 90% on ppl have alot abuse itens MA MR HP MP and now gona cry for dk wand? my suggestion is closed pl for only bs itens, there you will see a true skills
  10. odarox

    Chat Log Event

    who win event ???
  11. odarox

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Dear Santa: i've been doing lots of nice things this year with my friends and family and i hope my wish come true and i could get a Chain Mail MP 56% W for this christmas IGN kabelo Tank you
  12. odarox

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    I love razer mouses. Never going back to any other brand. Word of warning about your Xbox's. You shouldnt have them standing sideways. Youll be unlucky one day and it will shred one of your discs. My xbox is currently in repairs :sleep: all xbox down =/ 3RL :angry:
  13. odarox

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    meu pequeno quarto \o/