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About Wizz

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  1. Hi everyone! Long time not coming back to this forum. Just heard that helbreath nemesis started once again, I'm really happy because of that. Taking advantage of this conversation I wanted to ask, does anyone know something about Nimda GM ? He was a good old mate, wanted to catch up but could not contact him anymore... I don't think I'll be able to play but I'll try to be active on the forum .....
  2. ok the whole topic that talks about worm gm, is true but worm didnt do anything there, i dunno why i put him xD the problem was with Storm gm... i tried to edit the other post but i dunno why i cant, that is why i am making thisone. i repeat...worm did NOTHING this night, he didnt even came online hehehe sry for my mistake wizz
  3. This is the thing i was at wh talking with Arielcs and Colox...we were saying stupid things with no-sense like always... but i did the mistake of saying something ugly on global chat... then Colox says "nando mute a wizz" and after that i get muted... its ok i said something wrong in global and i deserve that BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.....:::::: long time ago i was raiding at elvine and i killed hit girl with medusa twice...so he got really mad and started to insult me with things like "LA CONCHA DE TU MADRE" and stuff... worm, THE SAME GM THAT BANNED ME TODAY, warned him at the first time, but he kept talking shits on global so finally he got muted... so here is the problem... Why the hell u didnt warned me first, like u did with hit girl? is that Colox told u to do that and u just did it? by the way i loged again with my mage to complain about the gm abuse (i think that it was), and i got muted again when i didnt said anything wrong like the first time... i just wanted to show worm why i though it was abuse...but no, he didnt listened to me, he banned me again. IF THIS ISNT GM ABUSE, THEN WHAT IS IT? THXXXXXXX Wizz PLZ ANSWER
  4. Wth Scat U BANNED ME WHY ? WHAT I DID???? NEVER INSULTED A CHAR, WTH HAPPENS TO U WANNA EXPLANATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!