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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Forum Event Design a weapon Use your best creative, imagination skills and design a weapon to be used in Helbreath. We will then vote on all of the entries and choose the best/favorite weapon. Make sure it is a weapon and not a spell or accessory (boots, cape) Make it as detailed as you can and a graphic image gets extra points. The winner will receive a stone package of 3 meriens, 4 Xelima stones, 5 Zems The weapon will not be included on the server, this is just for fun. But you never may inspire us. So, do your best to impress can someone translate this please? Thanks, Hunter Entries must be posted on this thread by May 1 Forum Event Crea un arma. Usa tu mejores habilidades para crear e imaginar y dise?a un arma para ser usaba en el Helbreath. Luego se votara la mejor/favorita arma de entre todos los participantes. Asegurate que sea un arma y no una magia o accesorio (capes,boots). Hazlo lo mas detallado posible, y una imagen del arma ganara puntos extra. El ganador se llevara un paquetes de stones de: 3 meriens, 4 xelimas y 5 zems El arma no sera incluida en el server, es solo por diversion. Pero nunca sabes... quiza nos inspires. Haz lo mejor para impresionar. Gracias, Hunter. Antes del 1ero de Mayo, fecha limite
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    The entries that met the requirements of the contest, have been compiled into one list, posted in the GM room and are being voted on now. As soon as all the GMs have voted, I will announce the winners. And then..... get ready for Design an Accessory Contest ;)
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Junohn went through that course NAKED!!!!!!!!! omggomgomgomg He deserves a whole MA set for that lol Juli[GM] said before junonh left the gate " If Junohn makes it through, I will quit this game" so...check marketplace for: 1- elvine mage, fh lots of nice items called ey! 2- nemesis Gamemaster acct with even nicer items called Juli jajajajajaja grats to jun and cowbell for taking the big prizes...what i thought was interesting was....everyone who won, rushed the food square for their spot...Jun stood back and let everyone pick a spot, then he took his spot. And that was the winning spot!!! I had a blast making the course...I did it 3 times, after some errors, re-sets and mistakes on my part. I learned a lot from this one and the next one will be even better, and longer. I am thinking also of a mage course and warrior course? possibly....bec this event was very difficult for mages. I want to thank ALL of the players who took the time to say THANK YOU either in game or here on forum Believe it or not guys, that simple gesture makes the time I put into the event TOTALLY worth it. Those of you who instead, decided to whisper me and whine, cry, complain about something.... I have learned to just "lolz" at you. Some people will never change, right? Thanks again to Juli for the help and farjat for showing up. Could NOT have done it without Juli. And of course thanks to ALL of you my awesome guys rock! And to MythGM who helped me with the design of the course and implementing it. You are a real asset to our team.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    More Monsters In Our Pits!

    sorry guys but messing with the spawn rates, has far reaching consequences. These files are like spaghetti....and changing spawn rates in a pit, can mess up something we would never anticipate....such as the % effectiveness of hit prob on all weapons. Every Action = REaction and with these files it is just too dangerous for us to change things, haphazardly. Go to Silent Woods, Death Valley,. the garden....those pits are hopping.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    no invis pots, scroll or spell no merien shield no merien plate no slates of any type no pretend corpse when you arrive at course wait on a shield for not run to course without being told to do so. anyone NOT listening to GM's directions will be disqualified. It is crucual that you arrive to course, and wait patiently on a shield to be called. Anyone running around, not paying attention to GM, trying to see course by rushing forward before being called, is going to be sent out of the event. No begging you to stand patiently on shield. Everyone gets a chance to run alone on course anyone attacking other players while waiting in line, will be thrown out warning. IF you do not make the portal you cannot come. This is to avoid players entering on more than 1 character. You only get to run on ONE character. So, after Held, you have 10 mins to enter portal in church. 10 mins- portal closed, no one can enter after this.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Sunday...iglesia Evento

    Es domingo ... vamos a la iglesia el domingo, ?verdad? Bueno, tambi?n lo hacen los monstruos .... deje del portal abierto de la catedral de middlelands y la iglesia. habra monstruos en ella. Durante el dia de hoy, en tiempos al azar, habra summons dentro. Debido que es tiempo de raid, tenga cuidado de los monstruos dentro y el enemigo afuera! Slds
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Becoming Popular Online....

    Check the market place. There are a lot of deals over there.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    I didnt say no pots...I said no invis pots
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Alchemy Summon Event

    What: Alchemy Summon Event Where: city hall When: Thursday at 6pm server time Who: everyone is welcome to participate Why: to help the alchies get some parts while you get exp The only monsters that will be summoned, are mobs that drop alch parts. So, please do not expect: dummies, ettins, hellclaw, gg Monsters summoned will be: orcs, ants, snakes, skeletons, cyclops, trolls, slime
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Alchemy Summon Event

    Friday evening 7pm server time, 8pm eastern time meet at shop area for alch summon event monsters that will be summoned are: slime, ant, snake, troll, orc, skeleton, Clay and Stone Golem Please dont ask for dummies or other summons...only alch monsters See you there
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    2 more hours to add an entry
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Alchemy Summon Event

    It started right at 8pm and was a big hit...lots of people were able to snag parts and there were NO dummy beggerssssss! Thank you!
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event

    no mshield wand.... no heal sorry but DC = out no way to know how long the person was gone...if they enter right back, thats fine. Im talking about if theyre gone a long time and then whisper me for tp...that wont happen.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Welcome Myth[GM]

    I dont think he ever meant this as a big secret...just ask him who he is and how he came to nemesis
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Suggestion For Int. Part Of Forums : English Only

    not that anyone cares but here's my 2 cents... I have always encouraged the players to come here to the forum and take advantage of the help available here, the friendship of the community, and to go over guildes and rules and most importantly to ask questions. I really dont even want someone to feel intimidated to post, because they dont have good command of the english language. Between their crappy english and my crappier spanish, we eventually communicate with each other. So, I'd prefer there be no rules dictating which language is spoken.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Alchemy Summon Event

    yes that was pro miner's event! HP35 pick axe!!! ownage! I will repeat miner's event...just starting with alch
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    NEW INFO..... This year, you can choose which way you want to run the course. You can enter and start from either side. It is a big loop. You can start from left or right as long as you run the entire course. Also...big addition ZEM ALLEY....part of the course is lined with Zemstones. If you want, you can stop and pick up as many as you can...but beware...the location of Zem alley, is not exactly a safe zone :P When you are finished the event, either dead or DC or leave or it is will be bugged for 5 mins. Just wait for 5 mins before you log back into game. When you are done...if you are a Survivor or winner, you will wait in the waiting area for the prize round to begin. And of course...NO HP slates are allowed. That is common sense. Please translate this to your language to make sure everyone understands what is expected of them. can PFM or AMP...but then the archers will be hard for you to get past. When you die, you will drop an item or a zem....Zems on ground go to Zem alley for others to pick up if they can. You will NOT get your zem back. Everyone goes one at a are alone on the course.
  18. Beware Caution Beware Caution :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: There will be mean, big, bad, angry monsters roaming the town today searching for their lost leader. There is a rumor that their leader has gone ahead of the group to search for food for his tribe. The food of course, is YOU !!! At 6pm server time, for 30 minutes....the stone drop rate from these mobs will be upped 50%. So...good luck! Do not AFK in town for your own safety! and hide your children :excl: :excl: as baby Elvines and baby Aresdens are particularly tasty to the monsters.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Roaming Mobs In Town! Oh Noessss

    yw..hope everyone had some fun
  20. Hunter[GM]

    A Command To Stop Experience.

    Just make a ticket and we will reset it..what is the issue? Takes no wait time at all.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    1 Sugerencia

    We had 110 players on today for the event! and that's a weekday not a weekend. I'm satisfied with where the server is and i dont think we should do anything drastic in terms of changes. We are always looking for ways to make your playing experience better. So keep the suggestions coming! We DO read them and sometimes we implement your please keep that line of communication open and strong.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Mr Event Now

    Thanks to all who came...MR %'s were had by all
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Mr Event Now

    Report to city hall for some magic resistance % rules for MR events 1- stand together, dont lure orcs away 2- dont kill orcs
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Summon Event Now

    Right now...Summon event in game at the shop. go go go
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Summon Event Now

    sorry...i meant to post on ARG server... so Ill do MR event for you guys... meet city hall for MR event