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About Gamny

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  1. Gamny

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    1 minute max
  2. Gamny

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    lol? 2 hf mage and 1 bliz mage its all it takes
  3. Gamny

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    You said u would just use rares and dk? what makes you think u can win 3v1?
  4. Gamny

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    qweqweqweqwe hard to beat the 3 hf.... will mj use his own prize? =p
  5. Gamny


  6. Gamny

    Nice Try Whoever Tried To Hack Me

    camilo sabia q eras tu el hacker haha
  7. Gamny


    wow macon first time i see u say something smart
  8. Gamny


    stop messing with the balance
  9. Gamny

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    Ya well at first u said it would go like the image says, Just saying it would be better like that , its faster, less fights, same results im not sure if u read what i said, what u posted is exactly what u told me on pm, i have that clear, im trying to suggest a change Whatever the case you decide, I would ask ALSO that the fights take place in the schedule we named, I already had to wake up at 5 am once, im sure we can fix better schedules that fix us the best( i talked to HWARANG , that schedule was hard for them also) Ty white ps. Our bench member got changed , It was Saitam , instead of Dissident, pls fix that for us bro
  10. Gamny

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    White pls ready... I have talked to other ppl and they agree what i said on the post on friday... If we are 4 left why not make normal eliminatoriy, like what u posted here.. The event will work as tournament, 2 guilds are matched up against eachother, they fight eachother (if too few guilds register, we'll make 2 fights, so 2 wins are needed to progress to the next round), the winning team will progress to the next round. This matching keeps going untill only 1 guild remains as the BIG winner ! Tournament example: u recently told me theres 4 rounds, imagine today, there were 10 ppl wiating u for 4 hours, ppl woke up 5amand stuff (like me), Its not ur fault and we understand it was emergency, but trying to make ALOT more fights with just 4 teams left is pointless I Suggest we go on ,Make each team fight each other once If we have 1 who win more, hes the instant winner we will have 1 who loses more ( 4th place) IF theres atie in 2 and 3, just make them untie, This will help make the event faster/funnier, would make ppl lose less time etc i wait ur comments
  11. Gamny

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    argen guild still waiting.. gm doesnt come WAiting for reschedule, wake up at 5 am wasted... =(
  12. Gamny

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    7 :08 am white hasnt showed up for the 6 am fight, hope he comes soon
  13. Gamny

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    I talked to white and hes planning to do a round 3 and 4, AKA alot OF fights I suggest in this round make 4th and 3rd places atleast, so we pass directly to the final round, If not why just not make this like semifinals, First EK vs HHB( who already won) tomorrow KOREANS vs ARGENS ps. If this isnt changed , i STRONGLY ask to make our fights on the schedule we posted at the beggining, We really can NOT play on weekdays, just on weekend, and the time doenst really suit us, i tought this was the finals already tomorrow, ( it should be done that if 1 team wins all fights he just wins and ppl who lost 1 can fight for 2nd and 3rd place)
  14. Gamny

    Another Time Server Being Atacked?

    if im not wrong sade was bugged, no mana stones there