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  1. HBPLD


    ~~Helbreath Bloody Games 2017~~ **Server Info** Max Level: 475 Max Stat: 700 Ek:5 Drop&Exp: Very High **Commands** /criticals - 10mj 500 crit /criticals - 100k 100crt ctr+c /skills /admins /checkdef Trade Ek Trade Contribution Trade mj Deathmatch event Soccer event Real DMG News system Help Menu ctr+H Drop List *All bugs raport in feedback* ~~~www.bloodygames.online~~ Join us on facebook fanpage ;) ____________________________ "we do server for players" http://bloodygames.online/ https://web.facebook.com/helbreathbloodygamesofficial/ http://wgrajo.pl/img/bloodybloody2.[/img]
  2. HBPLD

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    men i do this for my self;p i dont create any server ;P i lazy, dont worry :D yes i was copy, sorry for this but i very like nemesis server ;P
  3. HBPLD

    Problem With Resolution

    Hi i change resolution of 640x480 on 800x600 and i have bug hm. look: after vertical red line are dummy but i cant see it. i think it is the problem on HG side but i dont know where HG side i change only this: in function :: iClientMotion_Move_Handler find: sp = (short *)cp; *sp = (short)(dX - 10); cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; *sp = (short)(dY - 7); cp += 2; replace sp = (short *)cp; *sp = (short)(dX - 12); cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; *sp = (short)(dY - 9); cp += 2; find: iSize = iComposeMoveMapData((short)(dX - 10), (short)(dY - 7), iClientH, cDir, cp); replace iSize = iComposeMoveMapData((short)(dX - 12), (short)(dY - 9), iClientH, cDir, cp); in function : :RequestInitDataHandler find:: iSize = iComposeInitMapData(m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX - 10, m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY - 7, iClientH, cp ); replace iSize = iComposeInitMapData(m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX - 12, m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY - 9, iClientH, cp ); in function ::ChatMsgHandler find:: if ( (m_pClientList[i]->m_cMapIndex == m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_cMapIndex) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sX > m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX - 10) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sX < m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX + 10) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sY > m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY - 7) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sY < m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY + 7) ) replace if ( (m_pClientList[i]->m_cMapIndex == m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_cMapIndex) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sX > m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX - 12) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sX < m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX + 12) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sY > m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY - 9) && (m_pClientList[i]->m_sY < m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY + 9) ) in function : :RequestTeleportHandler find: iSize = iComposeInitMapData(m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX - 10, m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY - 7, iClientH, cp ); replace iSize = iComposeInitMapData(m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sX - 12, m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_sY - 9, iClientH, cp ); in function :::iRequestPanningMapDataRequest(int find:: sp = (short *)cp; *sp = dX - 10; cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; *sp = dY - 7; cp += 2; replace sp = (short *)cp; *sp = dX - 12; cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; *sp = dY - 9; cp += 2; and still nothing, dont see players and npc and i dont know where i can fix this problem;/ if who can help me i would appreciate. Thanks!
  4. HBPLD

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    hahah:D :)) :PP
  5. HBPLD

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    hehe i realize your idea:D
  6. HBPLD

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    @HBPLD: nice what you got there, we already have this in nemesis for a couple months now, they're called "Limited Items" in nemesis ;) Also a very nice attemp to make the "old" aresden/elv maps work, although i see the Icebound Bridges in the right-top corner of your screen. Nemesis has overcome this obstacle about a year ago. Old maps its easy to fix look:)
  7. HBPLD

    Best Start Files

    hm hm ok but i dont learn/like MSSQL only MySQL. Nemesis team never use login Ayres server? i now nemesis 1 use 3.51 MSSQL .exe nemesis 2 use orginal full source. i think better for me is remove all party code from login and HG pt and write new system pt only server hg side. what u think? (ref: aryes -> no pt, OpenHB -> unfinished, MSSQL -> no source, 2nd txt 3.51 -> have a lot of bugs) MSSQL yes source but not orginal. available sources not orginalne: MSSQL WL & ML not finish. Gate Server. ML & WL TXT Server. HG Server TXT/MySQL/MSSQL/postgreSQL Login Server Ayres MySQL Login Server Python not finish available sources orginalne: WL server v2.15 TXT Mode - rarely. Gate Server Client & HGServer v2.20+ i like use login server for me but I need opinions from the best.
  8. HBPLD

    Best Start Files

    Hello guys my question is very simple. What the better files to use is the best ? i speak only ( GS, ML, WL) not HG and Client(I Have HG and Client). -Ayres Files ( Login Server Source) - its not finish but very fast because use mysql database - dont have party code . -Login Server OpenHelbreath? - write in python and dont finish(Drajwer still dont have time ) -MSSQL Files 3.51(Nemesis 1?) (Gate Server + World Server + Main-Login-Server) - Orginal Files only files .exe -TXT Files 3.51 (Gate Server + World Server + Main-Login-Server) - Orginal Server only files .exe TEXT MODE. -TXT Files 3.51 (Gate Server + World Server + Main-Login-Server) - Gate Orginal but ML and WL is not, have a lot of bugs. etc. i dont know, what the best file to start and continue programing. sorry for my english ;p
  9. HBPLD

    Some Questions

    http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com/index.php - > Rare Items -> Rare Necklaces -> Necklace of Ice Elemental ( Absorbs 100% of Ice Damage.Complete protection of Freeze.) . I think it's bug ,hm should be 50% of ice damage.
  10. HBPLD

    Real Damage

    thanks ! fixed. :)
  11. HBPLD

    Real Damage

    is me again and still have problem with show real damage. Look this Client step case DEF_OBJECTMAGIC: case DEF_OBJECTDAMAGEMOVE: case DEF_OBJECTDAMAGE: cDir = *cp; cp++; //here i change to receive with short sp = (short *)cp; sV1 = *sp; cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; sV2 = *sp; cp += 2; //end break; case DEF_OBJECTDYING: cDir = *cp; cp++; //here i change to receive with short sp = (short *)cp; sV1 = *sp; cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; sV2 = *sp; cp += 2; //end sp = (short *)cp; sX = *sp; cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; sY = *sp; cp += 2; break; case DEF_OBJECTATTACK: cDir = *cp; cp++; //here i change to receive with short sp = (short *)cp; sV1 = *sp; cp += 2; sp = (short *)cp; sV2 = *sp; cp += 2; //end sp = (short *)cp; sV3 = *sp; cp += 2; break; and i change this if (sV1 > 0) wsprintf(cTxt, "-%dPts!", sV1); //pts else strcpy(cTxt, "Critical!"); on this wsprintf(cTxt, "-%dPts!", sV1); //pts next HG step; in function ::SendEventToNearClient_TypeA i change it *cp_s = (unsigned char)sV1; cp_s++; *cp_s = (unsigned char)sV2; cp_s++; on this sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV1; cp_s += 2; sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV2; cp_s += 2; and change this *cp_sv = sV1 - sX; cp_sv++; *cp_sv = sV2 - sY; cp_sv++; on this sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV1-sX; cp_s += 2; sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV2-sY; cp_s += 2; and second time under change that same change this *cp_s = (unsigned char)sV1; cp_s++; *cp_s = (unsigned char)sV2; cp_s++; on this sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV1; cp_s += 2; sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV2; cp_s += 2; change this *cp_sv = sV1 - sX; cp_sv++; *cp_sv = sV2 - sY; cp_sv++; on this sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV1-sX; cp_s += 2; sp = (short *)cp_s; *sp = (short)sV2-sY; cp_s += 2; and end my code and i have problem with this code because if i attack NPC and anything , client CRASH and dont show caption (-%d pts) strange error npc disappears , mobies What wrong it this code? what i bad do? Please Help :/ Sory for my bad english.
  12. HBPLD

    Old Maps 1.4 Helbreath

    Hello i make server with old maps 1.4 (the maps will use Helbreath Nemesis) aresden are working because client read strusture1.pak red builds but elvine dont (strusture2.pak - its elvine build elvine map dont show the builds) where and how add the Structure2pak to read blue build in elvine city !! sorry for my english I've tried:P